Wynthorpe News
Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation
October 2006
Financial Update
The enclosed update gives a report of the WMC financial status as of 9/30/06.
Petition to Change Shed Size Restriction Sign
Only one vote is allowed per household and must be done by a homeowner. Per WMC Declaration of Restrictions Article II, 2/3 of the community must vote to change, alter, modify or extinguish any deed restriction. Ballots are due by November 17th.
Petition to Change/Add By-Laws Sign
Only one vote is allowed per household and must be done by a homeowner. Per WMC By-Laws Number 23 titled 'Amendment', 2/3 of the community must vote in order to amend, alter, repeal or add to any by-law. Ballots are due by November 17th.
Beaverbrook Sign
At our last community meeting, several community members expressed concerns that a sign for the Beaverbrook community had been posted on a lamppost for Wynthorpe. A board member contacted DelDot regarding the issue. Unfortunately, DelDot stated that since the lights are maintained by the state, the sign is allowed to be there.
If you or someone you know within WMC would like the opportunity to become more involved in the Wynthorpe community, nominations will be accepted for the 2007
WMC board at the December 7th community meeting. Members are elected to the board via community vote. The vote will be finalized at the January community meeting. The board, once established, votes on positions for board members (i.e. President, Treasurer, etc). More information will be given at the WMC community meeting on Thursday, October 26th. Some of the current board members may not be available to serve again, so volunteers are needed.
Based on recommendations from state representative Valerie Longhurst and the President of the Chadwyck community, WMC has contracted with CMS to handle outstanding assessment collections. CMS has proven to be effective and beneficial to the community. More individuals are paying their assessment fees, which means a cost savings to the community.
It has been brought to the board's attention that many Ryan Homes homeowners have been having problems with their a/c units. The same type of problems seem to be occurring at a number of Ryan Homes. If you are having problems with your a/c installed by Ryan Homes, please contact Keith Shaw at 328-0811. If there is enough response, Keith will lodge a complaint with Ryan Homes and an investigation into the liability of Ryan Homes will be pursued.
A huge thank you to George Christie, our new webmaster! George has done a wonderful job with our community website. If you have not looked at it recently, check it out at www.wynthorpe.org. The website is a wonderful way to find information for deed restrictions, by-laws, budgets, minutes from past community meetings, etc.
Soliciting of any kind is not allowed in the Wynthorpe community. Police have stated there have been soliciting scams going on in the New Castle area. You are welcome to report any solicitors to the police by calling the local number 573-2800 or by calling 911.
Community Meetings
Our next WMC Community Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Thursday, October 26th. We hope to see you there!
Future Date: Thursday, December 7th
All Meetings will be held @ 7:00 PM at the Victory Christian Fellowship Church on Route 40 (Across from Wal-Mart), New Castle, DE 19720.