Wynthorpe Board Minutes
County Copy
November 29, 2007
Attendance: Rick, Linda, Trish, Stacy
Absent: Phil (car problems)
10/18 – approved
10/23 – email Stacy and Rick a copy – approved w/ grammatical corrections
10/25 – approved
Snow Plowing
- A letter from Linda Stump (DelDot) says that there is an option to have a pre-paid annual contract in addition to the “per event” option.
- Rick feels wording of the WMC bid proposal is okay and should not prevent bid offers.
- A.C.E. Landscaping – Rick presented their proposal. The board would like to know how often he makes a pass on the streets during snow.
- Richards Paving – They distribute snow between the houses on cu-de-sacs; board would like to know how often they make passes on the street during snow and how long they predict a pass would take.
- Trish said she would like to have a snow plowing contract to sign by next Thursday.
- Trish was told by All Seasons Landscape that the junipers and lighting are coming; the lighting is still on order.
Pond Maintenance
- Pond 1 – Need cord connector
- Pond 2 – float has not arrived
- Need warranty info.; Trish will talk to Wes about storage for the winter months (ask how much it would cost for Envirotech to store); Trish will ask when contracts expire.
- Liberty Parks offered to have installation of swing chain done for an add’l $306. Find out if Mike Rigby or Liberty Parks does the install.