Wynthorpe Minutes (Website Copy) November 15, 2006
·Form 50 – Steve will file one form 50 for Chuck to get lawsuit procedures started ($15 court filing cost); will file form 50s for Linda and Trish after the 1st of the year since form 50 is only good through 12/31 of each calendar year.Form 50 total cost will be $45 ($15x3 – Chuck, Linda, and Trish). ·Civil Suits - Steve said he or his attorney can proceed.Was agreed that Steve will proceed. ·Lien Costs - need to be included in ’07 budget ($125/lien).
Steve adjourned. Review of 10/19/06 minutes - approved Review of 10/26/06 minutes – approved
Restructuring of Minutes
·Due to concerns of personal information of Wynthorpe residents possibly being posted on the internet, it was agreed upon that 2 sets of minutes would be drafted for each board meeting.The original records will be recorded for the county and distributed to board members.A 2nd copy will be drafted to post on the Wynthorpe website that does not contain information on Wynthorpe members regarding financial or other private matters.
·Phil checked the playground and thinks we could patch the damaged tunnel.
·Grass Cutting – budget to remain the same, less the quarterly payment deduction given by Green Side Up.Phil recommended a partial contract for ’07 to end at the end of ’07 so the contract year can start in January of each year. ·Snow Removal - $4500 (same as ’06). ·Pond Maintenance – budget $1500 and keep surplus in fund designated for pond maintenance for future use. ·Playground Maintenance – budget $0 for ’07.Keep present designated amount in playground maintenance. ·Playground Light - $0.Eliminating light plans. ·Electricity for Pond Fountains -$700. ·Insurance - $2000 (include possible 5% increase.Will cover insurance from August ’07 – August ’08). ·Change of Agent Request - $50. ·State Franchising Fee - $25. ·Light Tax for Common Areas - $30. ·Capital Improvements and Maintenance - $2500.Need to consider transferring Capital Improvements and Maintenance funds to a separate account.$40,000 (approximate one year reserve) should be maintained for large expenses. ·Attorney Fees - $1250. ·Postage - $500. ·Tax Preparation - $100. ·Website - $75. ·P.O. Box - $80. ·Contribution for Community Meeting Space - $250. ·Estimated Court Filing Fees - $1000.
Miscellaneous Items
·Next Community meeting is Dec. 7th. ·Linda will make arrangements w/ Victory Christian Fellowship to plan for a meeting in January at the soonest available date. ·Trish will do Dec. newsletter immediately following Dec. community meeting and will include a list of nominees and remind members to vote. ·Linda will ask Shariah to draft a check for Victory Christian Fellowship.