Thursday, March 6, 2008
Victory Christian Fellowship Church
I. Call to Order
Attendance was light. Approximately 15 members showed up. Thank you all for coming.
II. President’s Report – Rick Agard
a. Introduction of new board members
Rick, Leslie, Ben, Margaret and Eugene
b. Update on open issues from previous board
i. By-law/deed restriction vote
Petitions were made available to sign for anyone who has not already signed. One member added a signature
ii. Pond maintenance
Motors for fountains are being stored for winter
iii. Playground
Previous board had the correct chains installed on the swings
III. Treasurer’s Report – Leslie Savage
a. Budget overview
Starting balance $32,839.69, current balance is $45,591.25
b. Update on assessments for 2008
Deadline was February 29th, after April 30, 2008 collection procedures will start. Discussed how our fees are a bargain compared to other surrounding communities
c. Collection process for unpaid assessments
Agent was hired to handle collections (Steve Blanchies). Copy of his fees and procedures for collections was circulated for those in attendance to review
IV. Old Business
a. Status of landscaping bids
i. Ready to proceed with contract to ACE for landscaping and snow removal
Copy of estimate from ACE was circulated for those in attendance to review. Rick pointed out that minor changes to document would be made before signing (i.e. add language to note that contract is for one year and that there is a 30 day out-clause for both parties)
Community members expressed concern about snow plowing that ends up blocking driveways. ACE will be mindful of access for homeowners, etc.
V. New Business
a. Community watch
Discussed how we should proceed, whether or not it should be a formal watch group. Rick pointed out that the goal is to observe and report, not to be confrontational. The board is willing to call NCCPD if the community wishes.
Everyone was made aware of the assault which took place after hours in the playground area
b. Welcome committee
Leslie suggested that we form a welcoming committee for new members of the community, asked for volunteers. More information will be posted on the website. He will be the contact person for those who are interested
c. Community Corner
The Wynthorpe Newsletter will have a special area called “Community Corner” to post comments and suggestions received in our email bag
VI. Questions/Comments
Other Ideas for community awareness, involvement and activities mentioned:
· Walk for Charity – community walks organized for charitable causes (more information to follow in the newsletter and on the web site)
· Spring Yard Sale- (more information to follow in the newsletter and on the web site)
· Clinics for Homeowners – how to plant flowers, etc. (contacting home improvement companies for sponsorship/assistance)
· Suggestions were made to increase attendance at community meetings – example offered included asking each person to bring a neighbor with them and posting this idea in Wynthorpe News
· 338 Schaefer is becoming a nuisance – cars parked illegally, police activity. Alleged printed information was left in neighbor’s mailboxes complaining about activity. One of the neighbors in attendance offered to provide a copy of alleged printed material
· Playground – graffiti still an issue. Board agreed to look into options, i.e. surveillance cameras, community watch, Meeting with the boards from neighboring communities to determine if they have similar issues and what solutions were enacted.
Board agreed to contact local representative Valerie Longhurst and inquire about actions the community can take to remedy 338 Schaefer and playground issues
VII. Adjournment
The next community meeting is scheduled for June 6, 2008