Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation May 2008
Have you done your spring cleaning yet? Donʼt throw out those unwanted items! The Wynthorpe community will be holding its 2008 Spring Yard Sale on Saturday, May 31st from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Please join your neighbors in participating in this event. The more households that participate, the more successful the event will be for everyone.
Notices of the event will be posted in local grocery stores and on the web. Please feel free to tell all of your friends.
There is still approximately $10,000 in assessment fees outstanding. A formal notice of delinquency will be sent to community members who have not yet met their financial obligations.
Please note the association will be forced to go through the collection process for outstanding assessments. This includes paying a collection agent (CMS Services LLC), paying for court filing fees, etc. This will prove to be more costly to the homeowner who is in arrears and to the entire community.
Helpful Websites:
This newsletter, along with the minutes from board meetings and special committee meetings, are always posted on the WMC website at www.wynthorpe.org.We will also start posting information to the Neighborhood Links web page at http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/ncastle/wynthorpe/main.html. This site has lots of information on the local New Castle community. You can find information on civic events, links to local government offices with information on neighborhood property standards and how to file a complaint against those who violate the standards, etc. Please visit the website and register as a Wynthorpe community member. Your participation will make the site even better .
If you have any questions, please contact the board via email at WMCBoard @wynthorpe.org.
The next community meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 7:30 PM. As always, the meeting will be held at Victory Christian Fellowship Church on Route 40 (across from WalMart).
The board would like see more homeowners at the quarterly meetings. Please make a commitment to attend and why not knock on your neighborʼs door and bring them along too!
To encourage a higher attendance, we will be holding a raffle for movie tickets for all attendees. All homeowners not on the current board, or who have not been on the board in the past two years, will be eligible to win.
Come out and meet your neighbors, discuss community concerns and maybe win a couple of movie tickets!
We have been experiencing a few issues with Envirotech, the company that maintains our fountains. The board is actively working to resolve all issues and will provide any updates at the next community meeting.
ACE Landscaping has begun maintenance of the common areas. If you have any questions or concerns about their performance, please contact the board via email at WMCBoard @wynthorpe.org.
The New Wynthorpe Welcoming Committee has been established. The first official meeting was held on March 29, 2008. The mission of the committee is just what you imagine, to make new community members feel welcome and to give them information about the association and the New Castle County area.
The current members include, Sandra Whye, Saratta Savage, Leslie Savage, Chuck Trueman and Aarne & Helen Harju.
Please contact the board if you wish to join this committee.