Wynthorpe Community Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2007
Attendance: Board: Trish, Linda, Rick, Stacy, Phil & 16 community members
2008 Board
Approved w/ 37 votes – Margaret Burwell Dent, Ben Harrington, Eugene Whye
Approved w/ 36 votes – Rick Agard, Leslie Savage, Velecia Selby, Denise Smith
14-month Budget
5 – No
30 – Yes
Finanacial Report
Checking - $34,514.64
Money Market - $28,502.27
Delinquents – 8 (4 delinquents are from 2006)
- Several members of the community raised concerns about the graffiti on the playground. Trish said that the board is looking into cleaning methods. Whether or not to have the playground equipment removed was discussed. Phil said the equipment is required to be there 10 years from the time of development and said that the time restriction may nearly be up.
- Many members expressed disappointment w/ the landscaping (dead trees) in the open space. Trish said that NCC told WMC that the trees were required to be there in order to attempt to receive payment from Mr. Capano for replacement. There was discussion whether or not WMC should just pay to have the trees taken care of. A couple members suggested WMC may want to pursue a small claims case against Mr. Capano. Denise Smith offered to go to court regarding this, if needed.
- Some members suggested creating a way for community members to vote online using electronic signature. The new board may talk to WMC webmaster, George Christie, to discuss options.