Wynthorpe Minutes
(Community Meeting – county copy)
April 26, 2007
Attendance – Chuck, Linda, Stacy, Phil, Trish, Carolyn Haag (county), 20 community members
Treasurer’s Report
- Linda stated that $25,000 had been transferred from the WMC checking account to open a WMC money market account for a separate reserve funds account. Current checking account balance is $47,856.07. 37 homeowners are past due for ’07 assessments; 4 for ’06 assessments; 1 in bankruptcy.
- Community members stated that they would like to see this report in writing. A treasurer’s report will be created and posted on the community web site. It was agreed that a written quarterly update will be made available to the community. Trish and Linda will work together to post quarterly report on the web.
- The contract with Green Side Up will expire in August of this year. The board will be gathering bids for a new contract. The contract with Green Side Up will not be renewed.
- A member had a concern regarding the height of the grass along route 9. That portion of land is owned by DelDot and they are responsible for maintaining it.
- A member recommended getting a bid from Fresh Cutts Landscaping.
Pond Maintenance
- A contract was renewed with Envirotech to clean the ponds. A license is required to use the chemicals needed to clean the ponds, so this job must be contracted with a company and can no longer be done by community volunteers. The ’08 budget for pond maintenance will have to be adjusted to account for this.
Playground Maintenance
- Plastic dome needs replaced and tunnel needs repaired.
- Members expressed concern with vandalism in the park. Police are being called. There has not been enough interest to create a Community Watch.
- Members asked if the chain on the swings could be lengthened. The board will review.
Landscaping and Lighting
- Working with Valerie Longhurst for landscaping and lighting funding. Estimates gathered by Stacy Woods were passed around for member review.
Deed Restriction and By-Law Amendment/Addendum Proposals
- Copies of the Deed Restriction and By-law Amendment/Addendum proposals were passed around and discussed.
- A majority of those in attendance agreed to add a measurement limit to statues of 2’x2’ and that there must be 3 or fewer statues in the front of any lot.
- Carolyn Haag agreed to create a petition for the door-to-door vote.
Landscaping Litigation with Developer
- Carolyn will check with Land Use for an update. Certified letters sent to the developer. Carolyn suggested marking trees that have died, or may use landscape plans to show where trees should be. Phil mentioned that trees that were supposed to be in open space were planted on homeowner lots. Carolyn will see if the developer was requested to move the trees farther from the ponds for pond maintenance.
- Carolyn Haag stated that the county is dissolving the Office of Community Governing, which may affect communities.