Wynthorpe News
Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation
December 2006
Nominations for 2007 Board
So far there has only been one new nomination received for the 2007 Board. It is critical to sustain a Maintenance Board within the community. Without a board, snow plowing will not occur, neither will lawn cutting or maintenance to the open spaces. Without a board, the county would do lawn cutting at a much higher rate than we are currently paying and would only cut the lawn after it surpassed 8", or when they could schedule an appointment with their vendors. The county would also oversee pond repair at a much higher vendor rate. These rates would then be charged to the homeowners of Wynthorpe. The lack of care could also cause homes to depreciate in value.
If you or someone you know would be interested in volunteering for the upcoming board, nominations MUST be received by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22ND. Nominations may be emailed to Trish Tatnall, Wynthorpe Secretary, at tatnalls@comcast.net or mailed to the WMC address as noted below. Ballots will be mailed out after the nomination deadline, and the vote will be finalized at our community meeting on THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2007.
By-Law/Shed Petition Ballots
If you have not yet turned in your ballot for the by-law change/addition or the petition to change the shed size restriction, you may still do so. Ballots may be obtained on the WMC website, www.wynthorpe.org. Only 55 'yes' votes have been received. Votes may be accepted up to a year after the petition is presented. But no change may occur to the deed restrictions or by-laws until 133 'yes' votes (2/3 of the community) are received.
Deed Restriction Reminders
As you celebrate the holidays, please remember to remove your exterior Christmas lights and/or ornaments no later than January 15th, (refer to Declaration of Restrictions, Article V Section 5).
Some basketball goals and trash receptacles have been seen in the front of homes. Please remember that trash receptacles are to be hidden from view except on the day of collection (Article V Section 6). Basketball goals must be placed in an indoor storage location after 48 hours and may not be placed outside again for at least another 48 hours (Article V Section 18).
If you notice a neighbor is in violation of the deed restrictions, you are encouraged to respectfully address the situation with the neighbor. If there is no amicable resolution, then you may contact the WMC board. If it is a county violation in addition to a deed restriction violation, you may contact the New Castle County Office of Community Governing at 395-5555. Copies of the deed restrictions may be obtained at the WMC website, www.wynthorpe.org.
Meeting Reminder
Please be sure to attend our next WMC meeting on THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Victory Christian Fellowship Church on Route 40 (across from Wal-Mart) in New Castle. Our 2007 board will be approved, so be sure to attend this critical meeting and keep up on what is going on in your community.