Wynthorpe Minutes
October 19, 2006
09/21/06 minutes approved.
Community Meeting Agenda Items
New estimate presented by Liberty Parks & Playgrounds was $5289.80. Quote given to Denise 2 yrs. ago was approx. $3000.
Board will review damaged area to see if there may be a corrective measure that can be done rather than purchasing new equipment.
Funds in WMC budget for playground maintenance should remain designated for the playground until repairs, whatever they are, are complete.
Neighborhood Watch/Block Watch
Corp. Gladney to call Trish. Trish will update board via email if info. is received prior to the community meeting.
Landscaping for Signs
Rick emailed Valerie Longhurst and her asst. No reply to date.
Will be discussed in Dec. meeting and voted upon in Jan. mtg.
Linda to give update.
Nominations in Dec. Elections in Jan.
Shed Petition/By-law Petition Reminder
Website Update
By-law #23/Deed Restriction Article II
Phil would like to ask Norm Spector the legalities of By-law #23 and Deed Restriction article II. He felt that a "negative ballot" could be presented to the community where an amendment, addition, etc. could be presented and 2/3 of the community would have to respond to prevent the action.
Trish stated concern of the precedent set w/ such action.
What to do w/ Deed Restriction Violators?
Trish will ask her brother (lawyer) for interpretation of 'Enforcement' (Article III in Declaration of Restrictions).
Perhaps, if needed, check w/ other communities for enforcement procedure ideas.
Rick mentioned a variance possibility where the board could vote on potential exceptions. Board considered it a possibility but agreed not to consider that action until an enforcement procedure was in place.
Rick hasn't been receiving emails from Steve (CMS).
Trish will fwd past emails to Rick. Linda will contact Steve to have him included in future emails from CMS.
Steve needs 2 people to register to attend court for lien filings. Possible volunteers include Trish, Chuck, and will check w/ Linda.
(next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 16th, 7pm at Trish's house)