1.Homeowner grievances/concerns should be presented in writing to the WMC board via email (WMCBoard@wynthorpe.org) or US mail (P.O. Box10623 Wilmington, DE19850-0623), or verbally during WMC Community Meetings.When writing, please be sure to include name and contact information so that the board may reply in writing to the issue.
2.The WMC Secretary will record Grievances/concerns presented at WMC Community Meetings.If it is deemed that the matter cannot be fully and expediently resolved during the meeting, the homeowner will be requested to fill out a contact information sheet so that the board may reply in writing to the issue.
3.During each WMC board meeting, the board will review all outstanding grievances/concerns received via email, US mail, or outstanding issues presented at a WMC Community Meeting.The board will agree upon a response and/or course of action.
4.The board will notify the homeowner in writing of the agreed response and/or course of action within 5-7 business days of the occurring board meeting.
5.No verbal grievances/concerns will be accepted, with the exception of Wynthorpe Community Meetings.