Wynthorpe Minutes
(Board Meeting – Web Site & County Copy)
July 12, 2007
Attendance – Chuck, Linda, Stacy, Phil, Trish
- 06/07 minutes approved.
Deed Restriction/By-law Amendment/Addendum voting sheets
- All sheets were turned in to Trish, except sheet #7 (held by Chuck). Trish will tally the votes.
Playground Repair
- Chris Tatnall repaired vandalized equipment. While repairing the equipment, he reported that there was new graffiti at the playground.
Landscaping and Lighting for Community Signs
- Trish gave report from Mary Hamilton at DelDot: quotes are to go out this week. Mary plans to have a vendor within 3 weeks. The estimated planting time is late August. Mary also told Trish that there was graffiti on the back of the community sign on Schafer Blvd. Mary recommended having more prickly plants behind the signs to discourage graffiti. The board unanimously approved this proposal. Trish will inform Mary.
Landscaping/Snow Plowing Bids
- Phil will contact Chaddwyk and see who they use for snow plowing. 2 proposals for grass cutting are being drawn at this time. There is a verbal proposal from Thrifty Cutts. A request will be made to get this proposal in writing.
Pond Maintenance
- It was reported that Envirotech has been gathering plastic around the ponds and piling it up along the edge. Phil said that Envirotech needs to start bagging what they collect. Envirotech will be doing a presentation for the upcoming community meeting.
Treasury Update
- Linda distributed reports for the quarterly financial update and delinquent assessments. Trish will include the financial report in the upcoming newsletter.
- Trish presented a rough copy of the newsletter and the board unanimously approved it.
Agenda for Community Meeting
- Envirotech will give presentation and other business and project updates will be discussed as time warrants.
(Adjourned. Next meeting is community meeting on Thursday, July 26th at 7:30 at Victory Christian Fellowship)