Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation
Board Meeting Minutes
April 3, 2008
I. Call to order
Rick called to order the monthly meeting of the Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, April 3, 2008 at Eugene’s house.
II. Roll call
The following persons were present:
· Rick Agard
· Eugene Whye
· Ben Harrington
· Leslie Savage
· Margaret Dent
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Margaret read the minutes from the last meeting. Minutes approved pending typo corrections
IV. Open issues
a) Rick did a re-cap of previous meetings:
· Solar lights are used on signs. They are not broken, but Rick will call to see about readjusting or testing the light output. Ben has a friend who is an electrician. He agreed to call his friend about a stronger light for the signs.
· Electricity bill – Leslie contacted customer service regarding the charges we receive for the meters associated with the ponds. He was told that the charges we receive are for meter reading since nothing is running. Rick questioned that logic since the amounts charged are different for each pond. Leslie will check into having the electricity turned off during the times when the pumps are not running.
· CMS - contract for assessment collections was signed by Rick and Leslie. Steve Blanches needs to fully-execute document
· Schaefer Blvd. problem – WMC received email which includes links to some agencies which may be of assistance in helping to resolve the problems the neighbors are having in this block. Rick requested that we all check links and follow-up on information
b) Ben and Rick reviewed items received in PO box
· Bills were turned over to Leslie for payment (Envirotech)
· Steve provided updated info on delinquent properties on Covington and Bancroft
· Maintenance record for ponds – will need to complete log of maintenance to show the county that the community is making an effort to maintain the ponds. WMC may be eligible for a refund of expenses
c) We need to send formal notification to Postmaster about the name change on the PO Box. Rick prepared a document for signature. Ben will verify with the post office that it will suffice
d) Leslie filed Form 1120 for the Money Market account. Expects to pick up the form from the accountant on Friday, April 04th.
e) Leslie updated board on balance in account
· $70,563.36
V. New business
a) Leslie updated us on the first meeting of the Welcoming Committee
· They came up with some great ideas for new community members
· Minutes will be posted to the web site
b) Received email regarding payment for web site maintenance
· Leslie will follow up
c) One of the contracts for Envirotech may be up for renewal
· Ben will follow up
d) Reviewed other items on To-do list from previous board
· Have time to follow up on other items listed
e) Next community meeting is June 5th
· Agreed to hold raffle for movie tickets for all who attend (only those who have not been a board member in the last two years will be eligible). Will put information in the Newsletter
· Next Newsletter will also include mention of the idea of attendees checking on their neighbors to make sure they are aware of the meeting
f) Spring Yard Sale
· Eugene and Margaret will work on organizing a community wide yard sale
· Tentative date is second weekend in May
· We will either put out an early Newsletter with details or publish a flyer just for the yard sale
g) Next Board Meeting will be held at Margaret’s
· Tentative date and time - May 1st, 7:30 PM
VI. Adjournment
Rick adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM
Minutes submitted by: Margaret Dent, Secretary
Minutes approved by: Rick Agard, President |