Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: January 27, 2006
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Victory Christian Center
In attendance: 19 community members excluding the Board, Carolyn Haag, our New Castle County representative (Dept. of Land Use), 5 Board members – Chuck, Phil, Shariah, Linda and Rick.
The meeting was called to order by Chuck at 7:15 PM. First on the agenda was the 2006 budget and review of last year’s budget and expenditures. Shariah presented the 2006 budget and covered the 2005 budget and expenditures line by line. Several concerns were raised and they include:
- Three year grass cutting contract and expense of contract.
- Pond fountains – will they be useful, the cost, and the contract sign before community vote.
- Snow plowing – will we be able to get a refund since the streets have not been turned over to the community from the developer, Capano. Shariah will send receipts to Carolyn Haag in order to pursue Capano to pay for the reimbursement.
- Start-Up fund – what is the current balance and how was it spent.
- General concerns about how the previous board handled the finances.
The outstanding balances from 2005 will be added to the 2006 statements. The current balance in the bank account is $29,153.89.
The 2006 budget ballot passed: 23 –yes verses 1-no. The amount will be $255.65. The county will send out the assessments on February 15, and the assessments will be due on March 31.
The newly elected Board of Directors are Chuck, Shariah, Rick, Phil, Linda and Trish. The election results were as follows: Chuck-28, Shariah-24, Rick-24, Phil-22, Linda-21, Trish-18, Stacy-16, Rockelle-14 and June-11.
Meeting was adjourned.