Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation
Board Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2008
I. Call to order
Rick called to order the monthly meeting of the Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, February 07, 2008 at Leslie’s house.
II. Roll call
The following persons were present:
· Rick Agard
· Ben Harrington
· Leslie Savage
· Margaret Dent
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Margaret read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
IV. Open issues
a) Landscaping bids – everyone decided that the bid from ACE Landscaping seemed reasonable. The budget for landscaping is $29,000. Leslie agreed to check with Trish Tatnall regarding whether or not snow removal is budgeted separately. The cost for snow removal is $1,300 per pass if snow is at least 4 inches. Salting is billed separately at $700 for each salting. ACE already did one salting in the community this season. Rick intends to reply to ACE’s bid by the weekend.
b) Collection process for assessments – the board met with Steve Blanches of Community Management Services, LLC prior to convening the board meeting. Steve updated the board on his collection process
· He gets involved after the county goes through their own notifications (after 90 days). Leslie agreed to check with Gale about the county’s process and if they charge a fee, etc.
· Provided board with the fees associated with his service and the cost of getting an attorney involved
· Steve agreed to research the details of the attorney’s fees and inquire if the attorney would do all the required filings as a group. Steve seemed to think that group filing would apply if we handled it ourselves
· Steve will bill has he goes or he will hold off invoices if he has a few coming in at one time
· Leslie and Rick signed document allowing Steve to represent WMC
· Steve reviewed the current collections he is actively pursuing
V. New business
a) Preparation for first community meeting
· Will discuss the landscaping contracts
· Mention the assessments and our decision to hire a collection agent for delinquent payments
· Leslie will call our state representative to see if she will be attending
· Need to check with Eugene about posting the signs announcing the meeting. There was one sign that needed to be fixed.
b) Lights for signs located off Route 9 appear to be out. Rick will check to see if they are on sensors and may have been out because of the time of day
VI. Adjournment
Rick adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM
Minutes submitted by: Margaret Dent, Secretary
Minutes approved by: Rick Agard