Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation
Board Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2008
I. Call to order
Rick called to order the monthly meeting of the Wynthorpe Maintenance
II. Roll call
The following persons were present:
· Rick Agard
· Ben Harrington
· Leslie Savage
· Eugene Whye
· Margaret Dent
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Margaret read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
IV. Open issues
a) Checked off “to do” items from last meeting. Ben updated us on the Pond Maintenance. Phil has the adapter and will hold them until Spring
b) Bills due – Ben checked PO Box and picked up bills, etc. Leslie will take care of creating a spreadsheet to keep track of bills. Rick, Ben and Leslie will meet at Leslie’s house on Saturday, February 9th to process any payments due.
c) Rick updated everyone on the meeting with Steve Blanchies regarding steps in the collection process. We need to verify with him whether or not we can file all delinquencies as one group. Scheduled another meeting for Wednesday, February 20th at Leslie’s house. Everyone will bring questions.
d) Decided we will handle assessments as a group so as not too burden Leslie. Eugene provided list of homes for sale to check against delinquent list.
e) Rick and Ben updated the group on the landscaping bids. Thrifty Cut submitted a bid but we have not received a formal bid from Ace. Rick will follow-up
f) Rick discussed bill for storage of aerators. Bill is only for Pond 2, Pond 1 needed repair, so no bill for storage
g) Leslie and Rick confirmed they now have check signing authority
V. New business
a) Illegal parking - Rick discussed email received from home owner about parking in the grass. All agreed that home owner should contact DelDot. Board has no standing.
b) Assault in park - no details, but it happened when the park was officially closed.
c) Collection notices with January’s Newsletter - send out Newsletter this coming weekend and include information about the board’s decision to use a collection agency for late payments.
d) Name on PO Box needs to be changed - Ben will handle
e) Community Meeting scheduled for March 6th - discuss flow at next board meeting after meeting with Steve
· Suggestions
o Welcoming Committee for new neighbors
o Neighborhood watch/police officer at meeting
VI. Adjournment
Rick adjourned the meeting at 9:00 PM.
Minutes submitted by: Margaret Dent, Secretary
Minutes approved by: Rick Agard