Wynthorpe Community Meeting 12/3/2008
The last community meeting for the 2008 had seven in attendance...this included the current board members (with the exception of the secretary).
The primary focus of the meeting was to discuss and vote on the proposed 2009 budget along with the selection of the board for that same period.
The board opened the floor to questions on the 2009 budget.
Those in attendance were familiar with the Budget and had no questions.
The treasurer then presented his report to date.
Treasurer’s report:
Checking account balance… $51,342.62
Money market account balance …$28,904.24
Assessment delinquencies currently total over $9k. Actions are being escalated to collect these dollars, i.e., liens against properties. Realistically 2009 assessments will be coming due and the cycle will start again.
Update on Community:
The board reported the following.
- Service Contracts for landscaping, snow removal and pond maintenance will
remain the same for 2009
- No Block Watch representative was in attendance to discuss the status of the
program. A board member volunteered to contact the watch captain for an update.
- County/Dept of Transportation has reportedly began working on the request for
needed speed bumps between Schaefer Blvd & Covington. WMC president will
continue to follow up on progress.
- Due to poor attendance the number of community meetings will go from four (4)
to two (2) in 2009. The first will be held in the spring and the second in fall.
The community will continue to receive updates via community fliers and on the
Wynthorpe website… http://wynthorpe.org/
Meeting wrap up:
The meeting concluded with a read out of the tally of the votes for 2009 budget proposal and board selection.
Ballots were tallied/counted:
2009 Budget -- 8 - Yes 1 - No
2009 Board Members 7 - Yes for all nominees
Based on the votes received and tally the 2009 budget was deemed passed.
The vote reception and tally for the 2009 board deemed that the following members will be in office for 2009:
Eugene Whye
Margaret Dent
Ben Harrington
Leslie Savage
Rick Agard
For those not aware, this is the same board which was in office for 2008. As such these members have agreed to retain their current officer’s positions for 2009.
There was an open discussion about the lack of community participation. The conclusion was that the community must take the initiative to participate as it is in the interest of each respective home owner. The concern is that common community interest issues (however minor) along with safety and other development issues may not be reaching everyone. The input/feed back getting the board is sparse to non existent so flyers and website information may not truly reflect important goings on that Wynthorpe should be aware of.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 PM
Special thanks to Sandra Whye for taking meeting minutes on behalf of the secretary who was unable to attend the meeting.