Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Ommelanden Range Conference Room
I. Call to Order
Attendance was light. Approximately 15 members showed up. Thank you all for coming.
II. Treasurer’s Report – Leslie Savage
a. Balances in Accounts
Checking account - $56,700
Money Market account - $29,060
b. Assessments
Collected $33,000
Need delinquency information from the county
Check the website for an update
III. President’s Report – Rick Agard
a. Deed Restrictions - New policy was sent to home owners
New lawyer supports our policy
i. Investigate complaint to see if valid
ii. Send out letter requesting compliance (certified letter)
iii. If no response after first letter, turn over to attorney who will send second letter
iv. Cost of attorney’s letter will be charged to home owner
b. New Contracts
Previous landscaping contractor went out of business. Contracts taken over by Green Blade Irrigation and Turf Care. Any concerns will be addressed by new board
IV. Block Watch Update – Sandra Whye
a. `Waiting for additional signs
i. Company prints a minimum of 10. We only need 1 more
ii. Asking city council to pay for the additional cost
b. Only two incidents, both criminal mischief (car vandalism)
c. When making calls to police, indicate we are a Block Watch Community. This will get a faster response
d. Number to call for non-emergencies 395-8050
V. 2010 Budget Vote
a. Ben Harrington counted ballots
13 Yes votes
1 No vote
b. New budget was passed
VI. 2010 Board Vote
a. Only two nominations sent in
i. Ben Harrington and Robert Miller (will be at meeting late)
ii. Must have at least two members according to Bylaws (Treasurer and President)
iii. If no board in place we will have to notify the county and we lose control of how development is maintained. Assessments are sure to increase but Rick will get details from county if necessary
b. Ben Harrington volunteered to continue on for a third year only if there will be more than two members
c. Eugene Whye agreed to join board for third year to keep from turning over to the county
d. Robert agreed to be president and Eugene and Ben will share treasurer’s duties
VII. Questions/Comments
a. This will be last meeting of the year for current board. New board may change frequency of meetings next year
b. Shed vote – Rick thinks we only need three more yes votes. This board will not be making another attempt to get signatures. Someone else will have to take over the responsibility
c. Assessment
i. Collections – we now have legal representation
ii. Amount – reasonable compared to other communities. County requires us to keep a reserve
iii. Snow removal costs/frequency – cost would increase if we requested more passes. We use the counties minimum of 4 inches. We get reimbursed 60% of our costs
d. Speed bump on Schafer – County will be distributing ballots neighbors
e. Flower beds – need volunteers to maintain or it will cost extra
f. Newsletters – will be sending out one final one updating community on new budget and new board. Costs about $200 to send out. County doesn’t do this anymore.
VIII. Adjournment
Closing remarks from outgoing board