Wynthorpe News Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation July 2007
THANK YOU!!! Several members of the community met in May to assist with a door-to-door vote to facilitate needed changes and improvements to the community.The necessary votes have not yet been reached, but we are closer to a successful vote than ever because of the efforts of many caring community members.The board would like to acknowledge and express sincere thanks to our following neighbors for their service to the community: Rick Agard; Phil and Lorna Allen; Gladys Baker; Mr. and Mrs. Carlise Clarke; Margaret Burwell Dent; Linda Draper; Mr. and Mrs. Aarne Haryu; Denise Smith; Trish Tatnall; Chuck Trueman; Stacy Woods – well done and thank you all!!! Chris Tatnall has volunteered his time to make repairs to our playground that a playground company was going to charge over $5500 to do.Chris is doing it for less than $300 (which is the cost of supplies)!!The vandalized tunnel and bubble have been repaired and he is currently working to extend the chain length of the swings.Thank you, Chris!!! Also, many thanks go out to George Christie who continues to do a fabulous job maintaining our community web site.Be sure and check out George’s great work at www.wythorpe.org.Thank you, George!!!
IMPORTANT POND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION A member from Envirotech will be in attendance at our next community meeting to explain their prevention and maintenance plans for the community ponds.Please be sure to attend on Thursday, July 26th to hear this informative presentation. LANDSCAPING The landscaping contract that the community has had with Green Side Up expires next month.The board has been seeking bids from other companies for August through the end of 2007.Please attend the upcoming meeting for more details regarding the new landscaping company for WMC. The board is working with DelDot as well as state and local representatives to acquire free landscaping and lighting for our community signs.DelDot is currently seeking bids for the project.The board has been told that DelDot is hopeful to begin planting by the end of August.
DEED RESTRICTION/BY-LAW VOTE As mentioned, we are still in need of more votes to pass any of the proposed changes or additions to the deed restrictions and by-laws.We need a total of 132 “yes” votes for a measure to pass.If you were not at home when a community member stopped by your house and have not gotten to vote yet, the voting sheets will be available at our next community meeting on Thursday, July 26th.If you are unable to attend the meeting, members of the community will be attempting to reach homeowners at their homes as well.An up-to-date vote tally will be given at the community meeting. BUDGET REPORT In order to keep homeowner’s more informed of WMC financial matters, a budget report will now be included on a quarterly basis with the Wynthorpe News.This report will also be posted on our community web site www.wynthorpe.org.Many thanks to our treasurer, Linda Draper, for her work to provide this information.
To date, three board members have stated that they will be not be seeking reelection and will not be able to serve on the board in 2008.If you are interested or considering the possibility of joining the board, you are encouraged to contact the board via the WMC email address, WMCBoard@wynthorpe.org.Those interested may sit in on a board meeting to get an idea for what is involved in being a part of the board.This is a wonderful way to get to know your neighbors and make a difference in your community. OUTSTANDING ASSESSMENTS Thank you to all who have paid their WMC assessment fees in a timely manner.Payment by all WMC members is a legal requirement and is essential to maintaining and enhancing our community.As of July 9th, the following addresses are showing as delinquent or not paid in full.If you have not yet submitted full payment, please do so immediately to avoid further late penalties and legal action.Thank you.
A Wynthorpe Community meeting will be held on Thursday, July 26th.The meeting will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. These are scheduled 2007 Wynthorpe Community Meeting dates: THURSDAY, JULY 26TH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25TH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6TH
***Please note that the starting time for ALL meetings has changed to 7:30 p.m.*** All Meetings will be held @ 7:30 PM at Victory Christian Fellowship Church on Route 40 (Across from WalMart), New Castle, DE 19720.