Wynthorpe Board Minutes
Community Copy
October 23, 2007
Attendance: Rick, Linda, Phil, Trish
Absent: Stacy (work)
Treasurer’s Report
- Linda will include in her report at the community meeting how much the community has received in CMS collection fees from delinquent homeowners to show how much the community has been reimbursed for fees the community paid upfront to CMS for collection.
Snow Plowing
- Trish contacted Linda Stump from DelDot who oversees the Snow Removal Reimbursement Program. She stated that the community is already registered in the program and there is no need to reregister each year. Contact only needs to be made if the community would ever wish to discontinue the program. She will be mailing reimbursement forms for the 2007-08 season as well as information regarding the program in early November.
- Rick met w/ a person who hires out snow plowing contractors on Sunday, Oct. 21st. Rick said he need needed a copy of the property outline for the community. Phil gave him a copy of the land survey for the community.
- The board agreed that a contractor may be considered only if they are willing to work under the guidelines of the Snow Removal Reimbursement Program; that they only plow when there is 4” or greater of snow.
- Linda gave Rick a copy of the Proposal for Landscaping and Snow Plowing bids to pass on to potential contractors.
- The board approved the 2008 assessment proposal of $272/homeowner to cover the next 14 month time period. Total expenses, prior to the surplus discount deducted last year, only increased by $1,000, so the increase is mainly due to not having a surplus deduction.
- If the original proposed budget does not pass, plan B is to deduct the outstanding delinquent assessment money that the community is supposed to receive in 2008. The risk w/ this is, if the money doesn’t come in, the community could actually go over budget. This will only be done as a last resort to pass the budget proposal.
- The Maintenance Declaration needs to be changed to reflect the new county regulations regarding the mailing date and due date for assessments.
Pond Repairs
- Envirotech emailed to Trish 2 contract proposals. One was for repair of the float for the pond #2 fountain at a cost of $1000. The second was for repair to the fountain motor for pond #1 that had been damaged due to overheating at a cost of 1440. Phil had brought an old Aquarius catalog which listed the price for the float and motor. Based on the cost for parts as listed in the catalog, the board unanimously agreed that the contract proposals sounded fair and signed the proposal for approval. Trish will contact Envirotech to let them know.
- Envirotech emailed Trish a pond deficiency report for pond #2 stating that migratory geese were noted at the pond. They offered to install netting and other measures to discourage the geese, stating that if the geese stay it could affect the nutrients in the soil. The cost for this was $2008. The board unanimously agreed to hold off on such a costly service and will address it again at a later date if it becomes a habitual issue.
- Envirotech offered to place the stones that had been moved somehow from around the piping at pond #2 at a cost of $300. The board felt that this sounded like a high price, so Phil is going to check w/ Thrifty Cut to see if they will offer a cheaper bid to move the stones.
Landscaping/Lighting for Community Signs
- Trish stated that the landscaping work had begun around the community signs. She was told by the landscaping contractor that junipers still need to be placed by the route 9 sign and lighting still needs to be installed.
- Rick recommended asking Chip from DelDot if the landscaping company had been paid in advance for their work. Trish will email Chip.
- Trish presented copies regarding graffiti products used by New Castle County Parks and Recreation. There was concern about whether or not the products could pose any health hazard. That information was not listed on the web information Trish had downloaded. More review is necessary.
- Rick said he will contact someone from SEPTA to see what they use for graffiti.
- Trish said a Certified Playground Safety Inspector would be investigating the playground and would discuss our options for fixing the swings.
- A community member emailed the board address regarding concerns w/ the sex offender living in Wynthorpe. Trish spoke w/ the criminal investigator overseeing the case of the individual. She was told that this person was currently wanted for parole violation and is thought to no longer be living at the residence. If homeowners see this individual, they are to call 911. Trish was told by the officer to not pass out pictures or give specific information regarding the individual in order to prevent possible accusations of harassment.
Community Meeting Agenda
- Treasurer’s Report
- Budget update
- Money Market Account
- $3,000 transfer from checking to the MMA
- Delinquent update (started w/ 22 delinquents, now down to 9)
- Pond Fountain Repairs
- Landscaping/Lighting for Community Signs Update
- Reviewing Graffiti Products, Solar Motion-detector Lighting and Other Security Measures for Playground
- Door-to-Door Voting Results
- NCC Police Website for Sex Offenders
- Board Nominees (due by Nov. 1)
- Budget Proposal and Board Nominations Vote
Budget Proposal/Board Ballot
- Trish will makes copies to distribute to the community
- Phil and Linda will do the folding
- Rick, Linda, and Trish will do the door-to-door distribution
Important Dates
- Oct. 25th: Community meeting
- Nov. 15th: Board meeting at Rick’s house (Trish will bring copies of the budget proposal and board nominations to sort for distribution)
- Nov. 17th-18th: door-to-door distribution of budget proposal and board nominations
- Dec. 6th: Community meeting and deadline for return of votes for budget and board
Adjourned. Next meeting is scheduled for Thurs., Nov. 15th 7:30 p.m. at Rick’s house.