Wynthorpe Minutes
Wynthorpe Community Meeting
October 26, 2006
Attendance: Board (minus Shariah), Carolyn Haag, Laura Brown (candidate for State Rep. 15th district), Valerie Longhurst (current State Rep. 15th district), Dori Connor (State Senator), 5 WMC members.
Presentations by Laura Brown, Valerie Longhurst, and Dori Connor.
Snow Plowing Reimbursement
Dori stated that the snow plowing reimbursement deadline is approaching.
Reimbursement does not cover salt or sanding.
Snow measurement is based on snowfall at the New Castle County airport.
CMS Update
Originally 11 people on the list.
3 will be going to lien proceedings.
1 is in bankruptcy.
3 have paid in full.
$1400 has been collected.
Landscape around signs
Up for bids. Will take 2-3 weeks to get the designs.
Will need state approval on final design.
Presented quote from Liberty Parks and Playgrounds and stated that alternative solutions are being sought.
WMC member asked if we could get links added to the swings b/c they are so high. Rusty Frey (in attendance) offered to look into the matter.
Community Watch
Information will be forthcoming.
Nominations for WMC Board
Coming in Dec. Elections held in Jan. '07.
Next meeting is Dec. 7th.
WMC Website
George Christie is doing a fabulous job.
Website address given (www.wynthorpe.org).