Wynthorpe News
Wynthorpe Maintenance Corporation
July 2006
Park Light
The board is currently seeking other bids on the park light since DelMarva's bid greatly exceeded the allotted budget. Be sure to attend our community meeting on Thursday, July 27th for further updates.
Pond Maintenance
Many thanks to Phil Allen for overseeing our pond maintenance. Phil, his wife, Lorna, and Chuck Trueman will be working to clean the ponds. Their efforts will mean big savings to the community in labor costs.
Chemicals have been purchased to rid the ponds of algae, cattails, and water primrose. This will help keep our ponds clean and enable our fountains to run without clogging.
The fountains are currently scheduled to run between 4:30 - 9:00 p.m. daily.
Community Signs
The signs are here! Thanks to Chuck Trueman, Stacy Woods, and the previous board of Wynthorpe who all worked diligently in this effort. Lighting and landscape for the signs are currently being planned.
The community is currently in need of a webmaster for the Wynthorpe website. If you have computer skills in this area and would be willing to assist the community, please contact Chuck Trueman at 328-0362. The webmaster is responsible for maintaining and updating the website as approved by the board. The website is a great way for community members to receive up-to-date information on what is happening in Wynthorpe.
The board is working hard to improve the conditions of our playgrounds. Thanks to Linda Draper, her son, Hunter, and Trish Tatnall for working to remove the graffiti on the playgrounds. Work is in progress to remove the weeds from the playground areas and plans are being discussed regarding the vandalized equipment. If you see anyone vandalizing our playgrounds, please report it to the local police at 573-2800 and inform Chuck Trueman, WMC president, at 328-0362.
The community previously voted to not install trash receptacles in the community playgrounds due to cost concerns for trash removal. For this reason, it is critical that all residents take their trash with them when leaving the playgrounds. Let's work together to make Wynthorpe an attractive place for everyone.
Deed Restrictions
Each property owner in Wynthorpe should have received a copy of the Declaration of Restrictions for the community upon settlement. If you do not have a copy of the Declaration of Restrictions, please contact Trish Tatnall at 328-0454 or via email at tatnalls@comcast.net.
Please be sure to keep these restrictions in mind while enjoying the summer weather:
Article V, Section 6. Trash Receptacles. Trash receptacles shall be kept in clean, sanitary and enclosed areas, hidden from view, excepting that they may be placed temporarily at street side on the regular day of collection if required by the collection agency.
Article V, Section 12. Lawn Mowing. The owner of each lot shall be responsible for the maintenance of grass and weeds thereon and shall mow said lot at least twice during each of the months from March through November of each year.
Article V, Section 15. Clothes Lines. No outside clothes lines or clothes line posts shall be erected or maintained on any lot.
Article V, Section 18. Basketball Goals. No basketball goals shall be erected, placed, or maintained on any lot at any time, except for (i) a maximum of one permanently installed goal located in the rear yard of each lot, or (ii) temporary basketball goals that are removed within forty-eight (48) hours of being placed on the lots* to an indoors storage location, and that are not placed outside again for at least another forty-eight (48) hours.
* For safety reasons, please note that basketball goals are to be on the lots and not on the street or sidewalk.
Miss Utility
Prior to digging, please remember to contact Miss Utility at 1-800-282-8555 or www.missutility.net/delaware.
Trees or shrubs that were planted by the developer behind community homes were planted on personal property, not community open space. Each owner is responsible for maintaining any landscaping done by the developer on his or her property. If there is a question whether the landscaping is within property boundaries, a homeowner may obtain a property survey. The community, however, is not responsible for the cost of the survey.
Thank you to all who have paid their WMC assessment fees in a timely manner. Payment by all WMC members is a legal requirement and is essential to maintaining and enhancing our community. As of June 19th, the following addresses are showing as delinquent or not paid in full. If you have not yet submitted full payment, please do so immediately to avoid further late penalties and legal action. Thank you.