7:00 PM, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011 Ommelanden Range Conference Room
Attendees: President - Rob Miller
Vice Pres - Eugene Whye
Seventeen (17) Community Members
Opened floor for questions:
- How/when board members selected? Ballot will be mailed out along with budget November/December 2011
- How are violations being addressed? When brought to the attention of the board they're forwarded to the County who makes determination on action to be taken or County can be contacted directly on their website.
- What's being done about the Wynthorpe entrances? Current contractor will be contacted to discuss flower beds at both entrances.
Suggestion made to get a bid from contractor Bay View Manor uses. A community member said they knew the President of their civic association and will pass this information on to the board.
- Why don't all homes have shrubs? There were four different builders in this community that did or did not plant shrubs. If people chose to plant them they could, it was optional. The concern was on lowering property values.
President will review deed restriction reference to shrubs and removal of them.
- What can be done about the sink holes and easements where dirt washes away? The County/Environmental Dept should be contacted for repairs.
- What can be done about people driving too fast in our community? Del Dot came out and did a survey, since did not get enough responses from the community, the process stopped. Anyone can pick it back up and contact the County.
- What discounts on trash removal have been found? One company that came through offering cheaper rates is Evergreen Waste Services, 302.635.7055.
- How do you get a street light pole that's leaning fixed? Contact Delmarva.
Financial Report:
$59,345.67 - Checking
$29,265.50 - Money Market
Civic Association Dues:
- Contracted a collection agency for past due association dues. Currently 70 homes past due. There has been an accounting problem identified so if your name is on the list, producing a copy of your cancelled check will correct this.
Police Community Activity Report passed around for review.
Community Events:
- Will have the Christmas light contest again. Anyone wanting to be a judge please sign up on the website.
- E-mail any other ideas you may have community events.